5 Comforting Truths About Your Home Organizing Session

Starting a home project of any kind is daunting. You try to tackle it a little at a time, but who are we kidding, it never gets done. You call on your family for help, but the kids learned to run & hide when they hear “organize,” “project,” or “clean out,” and your husband suddenly has “work to do.” How are you ever going to tackle the storage room!?

Professional organizers are your answer. In fact, they run toward to word “organize,” not away. But you feel sheepish asking for help, shouldn’t you be able to do it yourself?

I will happily tell you that hiring a professional organizer is not something to be embarrassed about. Paying someone to organize your space means you are prioritizing you and your family’s time and energy. It means you are looking for results without mental, physical, and emotional stress.

Below you’ll find five comforting truths - written with the intent to help you feel more at ease during your organizing session!

Truth 1: It’s Okay If You’re Not Sure Where to Start

Feeling overwhelmed and unsure about where to start? You are not alone. The joy of working with a professional organizer is that you don’t have to go through the draining process of figuring it out!

I will use the information gathered at your complementary consultation to determine where to start on your project. I’ll send a personalized project proposal outlining the services I suggest for your space and how we will get started.

My hope is to eliminate the headache that often comes with home projects!

Truth 2: The Current State of Your Home is Perfectly Normal

A professional organizer’s job is to help you create order out of chaos, not to judge. In order for them to help you the most, it is absolutely necessary they see how the room functions daily.

My organizing process requires setting up systems that accommodate how my clients use their space daily. I believe that’s how things are most easily maintained. Remember, I’ve seen it all and there’s nothing to be ashamed of!

People ask me if my home stays neat & tidy all the time, you know, since I’m a professional organizer & all. The answer is NO, I’m still human. We have busy days, people come over, and many nights I get home late. Organization makes a difference in my home because even when things are a disaster - I can clean up quickly & know that what was put away can actually be found again.

Truth 3: Emotional Attachments to Items Are Natural

Many people struggle with letting go of items that hold sentimental value, and that’s okay. These items can have meaning and value to us. They help us feel happy, connect with our past, and ease pain from difficult experiences.

Sometimes we are emotionally attached to things that we don't want, but feel we should keep or not throw it away. There are many ways to handle these items. I love making donations because I know my belongings are going to people who need or want them more than me.

As a professional organizer, I respect your feelings and will work with you to honor those attachments while still helping you achieve your organizational goals. My goal with every project is to keep and organize items in your home that bring you joy. I want sentimental items to be honored, not hidden away in piles.

Truth 3: Taking Your Time is Okay

It’s important to take your time when making decisions about what to keep, donate, or discard. Rushing the process can lead to regret, and it’s crucial that you feel comfortable with every choice you make. If you rush, you might make decisions that don’t align with your true feelings, leading to second-guessing and possibly even more clutter down the road!

I’m here to support your at your own pace, ensuring you feel confident and at ease throughout the process. I want to create an environment where you feel comfortable to think through your decisions carefully.

There is no pressure to meet a deadline - that’s why I offer package pricing. Packages give you the opportunity to tackle projects without worrying how much time will total by the end. You book hours beforehand, at discounted rates, which allows me to plan your project’s time in the most efficient way.

Truth 5: Professional Organizers Love Questions

Believe it or not, professional organizers love questions! Yes, even the ones you think might be silly. Asking questions helps you understand the method behind the madness, & it helps me tailor my approach to fit your needs. Whether you’re curious about the best way to organize your kids’ craft supplies or wondering how to create more space in the toy-filled living room, I’m all ears.

No question is too small or too silly. If you’re wondering how on earth you ended up with 15 mismatched Tupperware lids, I’m here to help. We’re in this together, and your curiosity only makes the process more effective and fun. So, go ahead, ask away! Your questions are the secret sauce that makes our organizing sessions successful and enjoyable.

Organizing projects can feel overwhelming, but remember you don’t have to do it alone.

A professional organizer is here to support you, guide you, and make the process as smooth and enjoyable as possible.

Ready to transform your home and reclaim your space? Contact me today to schedule your complimentary consultation and let’s start your organizing journey together.


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